Published inStanford CS224W: Machine Learning with GraphsStock Market Forecasting with Differential Graph TransformerStanford CS 224W (Machine Learning with Graphs) course project by Xiang Li and Farzad PourbabaeeJan 313Jan 313
Set up ICU for C++ in XcodeSince there’s a lack of support for Unicode string operations in C++, the International Components for Unicode (ICU) is almost a must-have…May 1, 2023May 1, 2023
Set up Python 3 on Apple SiliconOn Apple Silicon, you can easily download the Intel version of Python and experience low performance due to the overhead of Rosetta…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022
Manage Two Arduinos with Ease Using PlatformIOTesting codes w/ multiple Arduinos can be tedious on the Arduino IDE. PlatformIO gives you all the goodies of VSCode with added…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Set up Clash Client on Your Raspberry Pi 4There are many tutorials out there on how to set up a Raspberry Pi 4 as a Clash server. However, in my case, I’m using the Pi as a desktop…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
繁体字实用指南(二)上期介绍了繁简分化的由来,提到核心简化字共有515个,不过加上类推简化字就超过了2000个。许多繁体字能模糊辨识,有些字却因为差异太大而看不懂。学习都是从易到难,我们这一期就先来介绍一下怎么熟悉繁体字。Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Bulletproof JavaScript with Systematic DevelopmentJavaScript affords us so much flexibility that we can sketch up a program in minutes. Sketching is excellent for trying out new concepts…Dec 7, 2019Dec 7, 2019